Now that the sweater drama is over, and that the sweater is finished, blocked and beautiful, I’ve moved on. Happily. I went to Portugal. It was amazing. I went to Washington DC. Also amazing. I’m so thrilled to be traveling
The Sweater, Continued…
Working on this Icelandic sweater has become a very humbling experience for me. First it was the tension in the sleeves. Then it was the oopsie with the reading of the chart. Most recently, as I was trying on the
The Sweater
So, my Icelandic sweater… by the time I’m finished with it, I will have knit it a few times. It started with the sleeves. I was initially working them two at a time using magic loop. When I was about
Can a Person Love a Sweater?
The answer to that question has to be YES! Look! I’m in love. It’s Christmas Day. I just worked my last night shift and am officially off now until 2016. Woot!