It’s been so long since I posted here that I’m not even sure how to get around WordPress anymore. Everything has changed. Nothing looks the same and everything appears more complicated.
The reason I’m here… My father has been taking care of the hosting for this site/domain. In late March, he had some serious health issues and he’s been in the hospital since that time. My dad was involved in a LOT of things, including hosting and taking care of many websites. My sister and I have been trying to figure out how to pass these things on to other people. Website admin is NOT my thing. I’m not a total dumb-dumb when it comes to technology but let’s face the fact that at my age, learning all the new things out there on the web is not a priority. So I logged into BlueHost today to try to sort some things out. I think I have something that may look like a grip. But let’s not get too excited. I’m pretty sure I’ve pissed a few people off at this point. Big picture? I don’t really care. I just wanna go knit something!
I can’t wait to see if I can actually figure out how to publish this bad-boy.
I wonder if I can figure out how to get photos in here too.

Looks like I managed it! Yay me!
So I’m still spinning. I’m not a super-serious spinner, at least not technically. I spin for fun. The fibre usually tells me how it wants to be spun and how thick. Mind you, I’m currently spinning to knit a specific garment. So fingering singles that I’ll ply into a worsted. Fingers crossed this works.
Since my father has been in hospital, I’ve knit a bajillion things. Since the end of March, I have knit the following:
- four sweaters
- three shawls
- six pair of socks
That’s a decent amount of knitting I think? And for most of them, I used stash yarn.

I can’t seem to figure out how to make this photo smaller. Very frustrating. But isn’t my Jetta sexy? Can you believe she’s 20 years old? Maybe 23 if they’re made the year before they’re “labelled”. She’s a 2002. All the heart eyeballs. And I love those kayaks too. I took that up a few years ago with my friend Renee. It quickly became one of my favorite things to do in the summer (and spring, also fall and into very late fall).

My sister and I have also been rooting through some old photos of my father. How funny are all these.
That’s all I have for now. Maybe I’ll be back so