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Last time I was here, I wrote about my father. He passed last week. It wasn’t a surprise because he’s been “slow palliative”, which is a fancy way of saying that he’s been slowly dying. But in the end, he went fast. I’m not sure the reality has actually set in yet.

We spent a LOT of time with him in hospitals and at the long term care facility he was in at the end. So I’m guessing the amount of free time I have now will feel strange for a little while.

So, the title of this post relates to this little site of mine. I mentioned in my last post that hosting and website stuff was not my thing. I have, however, managed to figure out how to keep mine going. It took 823976 phone calls to Bluehost and $200 (CAD) to keep my little blog going. I don’t spend much time here but for some reason, it felt like I would be loosing something if I let it go. I used to blog a lot. When I went back to read some of the old ones, I realized that I’m a decent writer.

On the subject of writing… I wrote my father’s eulogy in English. His sister, my aunt Lorraine, wrote one in French. My little cousin Lorie-Anne read it for me cause I would have sobbed through the whole thing. I ended up getting several compliments on it later in the day. I had written in some sad stuff of course. But I also added a few funny things and it felt good when I heard the people laugh. Oh, and there were so many people. My step-mom said she had never seen the church this packed for a funeral. Dad! You were a popular dude!

Almost Lost it!
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