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Hi! I’m Mylène (that’s my real name)!

I’ve been knitting since before I can remember.  Sometimes I wonder if I love to travel as much as I love to knit.  I think I love them both equally.  But knitting is less expensive and I can do it whenever I want and pretty much wherever I want.  Travel on the other hand, I have to save for.

In a perfect world, I would get paid to travel while I knit.

I think that as I get older, I get more and more excited about yarn and everything related: designing, spinning, weaving, crocheting, (not cross-stitch though), etc…

My goals are to be the best that I can be (at knitting and life in general), always keep learning, not be afraid to try something new no matter how scary it is, take chances, trust my gut, laugh a lot and eventually have my very own yarn shop!  Eeek!

I live in a beautiful country home that I like to think of as my cottage on 20 acres of land (that I hope to be able to afford to do something with some day).  I have wool stashed here and there all over this house.

I’m also the proud mom of an adult son who amazes me every day.  He lives in Montreal (Quebec, Canada) and has his own business.

I have a wonderful, supportive and lovely family.  I wouldn’t be where I am without them.

I love my wild and creative life!

(Without sounding ungrateful, I would love my life more if I owned my own yarn shop or a small fiber mill.)

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2 thoughts on “About me

  • September 1, 2011 at 8:29 pm


    What a great site – just love the blogs! Mes parents m’ont donné l’article qui a été publié dans le journal et je devais absolument visiter ton site. Here I am and congratulations. Your site is now on my favorites and I will be visiting on a regular basis. Who knows, I may even start knitting!!!!!

    Ton petit cousin, Luc !

  • August 3, 2010 at 6:02 pm

    I was reading through you blog and I am so excited! I am from Cornwall too and I love to knit. I am just starting to learn how to spin and hopefully ordering a drum carder this week. You mentioned “knit night” where is that being held and what time? I don’t have a lot of free time but would love to meet up with some people that “get” the wool/knitting/getting excited about a pile of raw wool.

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