In my last post, I asked for a sign telling me what to do about the job thing. Well, I got one! On Thursday the 10th, I got my sign in the form of an e-mail. And e-mail OFFER to
In need of a sign!
I have this giant decision to make – a career decision. I have three choices. I’ve made a lost, you know, the old pros/cons list. It ruled one option out pretty quickly. That option is to continue doing what I’m
As Promissed!
I warned you… crappy light = crappy pics. But, it’s better than nothing! I’ll try to write down the pattern for those little puppets before I give them to Monique. Share this:
Let it Snow!
I woke up this morning and looked out the window. The breath caught in my throat when I saw the snow. It’s a thin blanket but it’s really beautiful. I used to hate winter and everything about it. ThenI moved