Sometimes, when you’re not paying attention, things happen. Tonight, on my way home… I was sort in my head when I noticed strange lights coming from over the hill. I thought it was a RIDE program or seat-belt-checks so I slowed down.
When the Tools Don’t Work
I got home after work today and ran up to my room to get the supplies to start my February Lady, FINALLY! I took all the supplies and the tools down – by tools, I mean my ball winder and
Korella’s Finished
It’s true. I finished weaving in all the ends on Monday night. She’s really cute. I actually like the way she fits and all. It’s the damn color. I’ve decided to try to change the color, rather than selling it.
I finished Korella yesterday. All I have left is the weaving in of the ends. That’s tonight’s job. Tomorrow, I start working on February Lady. It dawned on me yesterday: Jacob’s going back to school next week. It sort of