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I had my third workshop this week.  Second time doing the crochet cowl.  Turns out that most of the girls were from my gym, one from my work and one stranger (until Tuesday).

They blew me away!  It’s Friday and most of them have sent me pictures of their finished pieces.  Poor Wendy hasn’t had time to work on hers –  all this holiday planning and prepping… and work is getting in the way of her crafting.  Welcome to my world.

Check them out!  Is it strange that I’m really proud?



Aren’t they awesome?  I think most of them have started another project.  Amazing!  (Can you tell I’m excited?)

On Wednesday, I worked on my son’s girlfriend’s birthday/Christmas blanket.  All.  Day.  I’m not kidding.  I did NOTHING else.  It was messy.


There was a LOT of Once Upon a Time involved – almost a whole season in fact.

I made my next workshop demo hat, twice.


Can you spot the differences?

I posted this cowl last week but this pic is nicer because you can see what it looks like ON.


I must admit that I rather like it.  It was the gift for our work exchange.  Cindy wore it as a tube-top for a bit but I hear she liked it around her neck too.  You just never know.


I was rooting through some of my “stuff” (looking the email address of a friend in Brazil I hope to visit this year) and came across these.  I had to post them.  They’re just too funny.  I think Jacob might have been six there.  Does anyone know how I can get him that small again?

Guess what I took out yesterday???!!!!


The wool for my Icelandic sweater!  Yahooooooo.  Once I’ve finished weaving in all the ends on that blanket (have half done already), and the poster and pattern are done for my January workshop, this yarn is gettin’ some BIG love.

Dear weekend of night shifts: please be kind.

Until next time my friends.

Feeling Proud

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